Are you ready to join a country club?

Last Updated on December 31, 2023 by Britt Olizarowicz

Joining a country club can sometimes seem like a purely financial-based decision. You may be surprised that this is not always the case. People join country clubs for various reasons, and unless one of those reasons makes sense to you, the spending is unnecessary. 

We have gathered the top 10 reasons people join a country club. Even if you joined your club to play more golf, I bet you look at the rest of the reasons and see something that resonates with you. 

Why Would Someone Join A Country Club 

People join country clubs for personal, financial, and even health-based reasons. These top ten reasons to join a country club may help you pull the trigger if you are still on the fence. 

Chance To Network With Like-Minded Professionals 

Although these top ten reasons why someone would join a country club are in no particular order, the change to network with like-minded professionals will always end up near the top of any list. 

If you want to make it in the business world, being a golfer can be really helpful. Golfers have something they can talk about outside of business, and you even get to see how people are going to be off the course. 

Want to go to work for a company, and you find out the guy thinks 6-footers are gimmies? Chances are you may change your mind! Golf allows you to get to know people and then use that to expand your career and your life. 

If you didn’t meet these people at the club, you may never meet them. 

Ability To Stay Active 

Country clubs offer numerous ways to stay active. From fitness centers and exercise classes to tennis courts and pickleball round robins, you can get your heart rate up at a country club. 

Sometimes, as people get older, they have a hard time finding opportunities to stay in good shape and keep their body strong. With the ability to do this at a country club, you may be able to drop the gym membership and use the club. 

Some country clubs also offer a swimming pool where you can do lap swimming and burn calories that way. Whether you like to stay active with other people or want to spend some time alone, you will find ways to do it at a country club. 

Staying Fit Is Less Challenging at A Club

Take A Break From Work 

Country clubs are necessarily cheap, but many people join them just so they can take a break from their jobs. In fact, some people say that their motivation for work is so that they can go to the club and enjoy themselves. 

You know that feeling when you are a kid and you get to go to the playground after school; that’s what a great country club can be like. 

When work is done and it’s time to enjoy, the club is there for you. 

This can also apply to those who recently retired. Joining a club is a great time to break and enjoy the time away from work. 

Create Opportunities for Family Time 

One of the things that people like best about country clubs is that they are a place for families to gather. Most country clubs, whether they are large or small or high end or a bargain, will encourage families. The club encourages participation in activities together. 

Country clubs have junior golf clinics, parent-child dances, family scavenger hunts, and specials on the menus. Clubs pay special attention to work for everyone in your household. 

The country club is where the four-year-old can have as much of a good time as the 40-year-old. When families can all find something they love to do together, it creates lifelong bonds. For this reason, members head to the club. 

person grass sport outdoors
Photo by Markus Spiske on

More To Learn 

If you feelou have extra time and want to learn something new, look no further than a country club. 

In addition to having options for tennis, pickleball, swim, personal training, and golf lessons, many country clubs run special events and clubs where you can pick up on other skills. 

Learning keeps our brains active as we age. When you learn a new skill, you will feel accomplished and motivated. Country clubs continually provide these opportunities for their membership. 

Home Away From Home 

You know that feeling, “where everybody knows your name”? That’s what life at a country club is like, and it’s why so many people love it. When you can walk in the door, see people you know, and feel comfortable about where to go and how to act, it becomes something to truly look forward to. 

For most people, the country club is a home away from home. 

It takes a few weeks or months of membership to get to this point. However, soon you will know the staff, the regulars, and the times that you want to frequent the club. It all comes together in a friendly and appealing way, making you want to use the club even more. 

Party Time 

A modern country club provides plenty of opportunities for social events and gatherings. Whether it is your birthday and you want to rent out a room at the club or the New Year’s Eve party of the year, country clubs across the US are known for the parties they throw. 

For those that had a social calendar that was less than full, a country club can allow you to fill it and then some. 

In addition to the club’s social events and opportunities, you will meet friends and end up hosting and attending even more social gatherings. 

For those who are less social, you can certainly choose not to get involved. However, most find that the country club is a great place to have fun and be social. 

A Sense of Community 

We can’t speak for your entire membership of your country club (because there are always a few bad apples), but for the most part, all country club members want the same things. They all want great golf course conditions, a club with happy employees, financial wellness, clean facilities, and more. 

The group of people who join a country club and become members all want the club to thrive. The members will all help to ensure that it happens. 

It’s nice to be able to work together with this group of people to reap the rewards of a well-run club. There are always board and committee positions if you want to get involved to an even higher level. These positions need to be filled at country clubs. 

person swimming in body of water
Photo by Jim De Ramos on

Access To Amenities 

If you love to play golf, chances are you don’t particularly enjoy a 5 hour round of golf. 

If you are a big pickleball player, the recent increase in popularity of this sport probably has you struggling to find court time. 

You will have a much easier time accessing the amenities at a country club. There are more facilities to offer, and the group of people trying to access them is smaller. Of course, most clubs will have a busy pool packed with families and friends on the weekend, but you will still find it manageable. 

Tee times at 9 am on a Saturday may be rotated to give everyone a turn, but you will still get some, and your round may only take 3.5 hours. 

The access to higher quality amenities is much better at a country club, and the chance of you participating in the activities you love is relatively high. 

Personal Service 

If you spend enough time at the country club, the staff will learn that you like your draft beer in a tall glass, don’t want your clubs cleaned after a round, wear a size medium, and really like the Peter Millar shirts. 

These things happen over time as you become a long-term member and get to know the club’s staff. 

There is something special about personal service. 

Although, as a club member, you will pay for this, it’s also something that may make you feel as though the money is well spent. 

Personal service is a luxury, making you feel right at home. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions about why someone would join a country club.

What is the average country club membership cost?

The average country club costs around $500 a month for dues and between $5000 and $25000 for an initiation fee. The pricing, however is extremely varied depending on the location of the club, the amenities, and the services offered.

How much does it cost to join a country club?

A country club typically requires an initiation fee before access to the club is granted. Initiation fees can be as low as $200 or $300 and as high as a million dollars.

How do I know if a country club is right for me?

To know if a country club is a good fit for you and your family, see if it’s possible to do a trial membership. Sometimes, there are fees associated with the trial. However, this is the best way to immerse yourself in the country club experience.

Final Thoughts 

Hopefully, we have helped you answer the question, “why would someone join a country club.” Please look at our other content regarding country clubs and whether or not they are the right choice for you.

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