Last Updated on March 28, 2023 by Britt Olizarowicz

Is one golf driver in your bag enough? 

Some golf professionals actually play with two drivers. Of course, they have to keep the total number of clubs to 14, but still, some are finding that two drivers in the bag are actually helping to lower scores. 

No, this isn’t a push from golf manufacturers that regularly sell golf drivers for $600+; it really comes down to stats and numbers. 

I’ll take you through what I think about this two driver concept (as a golf professional), where I think it can help some players, and how some golfers should probably just take both drivers and toss them in the pond! 

What Is The Benefit of Two Drivers In The Golf Bag? 

Carrying two drivers give golfers a variety of shots that they can hit. To score well on the golf course, you need a bag full of tricks, and having two drivers, means you have several different types of shots you can hit from the tee. 

Some golfers will plan on having a straight drive, one that helps them keep the ball in the fairway. 

Others will go for one driver that is workable, while one gives them a ton of distance. 

As long as the two drivers in the bag have a unique feature then it is entirely acceptable to keep both in the bag. 

How To Decide If Two Drivers Could Help My Game? 

The best way to decide if two drivers could help your game is to start tracking stats about your golf game. Taking a look at fairway’s hit is a good place to start; however, also try to pay attention to how often you hit your 3 wood and how well you hit it. 

A Strokes gained app may be able to tell you whether or not your 3 wood is actually making a difference being in your bag. 

The bottom line is that you can find stats about your game that will tell you whether or not all of your clubs have earned the spot in their bag. 

Yes, I call this earning a spot in the bag; our clubs work for us, and they should have to perform to keep a spot. 

Who Should Have Two Drivers In Their Bag? 

Any golfer can carry two drivers in their bag; in fact, you can carry more than two if you really want. This applies to public courses, golf clubs, and country clubs.

However, there are a few players that can really benefit from this two driver concept. 

The Golfer Who Can’t Stand The 3 Wood 

I don’t like my 3 wood. I just have never been a 3 wood person. Never found one that sat correctly for me at address; I don’t really enjoy hitting them off the deck and found my 5 wood to go just as far. 

If you are a player that doesn’t like the 3 wood, think about adding the extra driver in the bag. 

You can have one that you trust to get you in the fairway and one that is your power club for the long distance. 

Players Who Upgrade Technology Often 

Do you change out the driver every year? 

Chances are you have a garage full of good choices, but you like the latest technology. 

Sometimes when you have a bunch of drivers like this, you may have one that you hit straight, but it doesn’t go all that far. 

Keep that one in the bag when you need it. 

Playing A Golf Course That Calls For It

Probably the most common reason a professional would use two drivers in their bag is to ensure that they are ready for any golf course they play. 

Every golf course is so different, and some holes are going to require workability in the driver, while others require more distance or power. 

Think about this and consider what it would do to take the 3 wood out of the bag. 

Golf Nerds Who Track All Of Their Stats 

Want to know the best way to determine if you should keep two drivers in the golf bag? 

Tracking your strokes gained. 

Strokes gained gives you so much information about what clubs to use and where, and it’s really the best way to decide if carrying two drivers is a smart decision. 

If you like to track stats, plan on having some extra clubs around to fill in the bag from time to time. 

These clubs can help you fine-tune the bag for the course you are playing and the way your game is performing at the time. 

We have all had times when our driver and long irons were performing better than our wedges and short irons. Fine tuning the equipment in your bag to work for the game you have at the moment is a very smart concept. 

Benefits of Two Drivers In The Golf Bag 

The benefits of having two drivers in the golf bag include the following: 

  • Variety off the tee, keep a straight driver and a long driver in the bag 
  • Back up should you start struggling with one driver over another 
  • The option to hit the driver off the deck and get some extra yardage on a par 5
  • It can help for golf courses where tee box strategy is incredibly important 
  • Fast-swing speed players can capitalize on their speed 

Negatives of Two Drivers In The Golf Bag 

The negatives of having two drivers in the golf bag include the following: 

  • Not having room for another wedge or long game club in the bag 
  • Difficulty of the driver to hit, and now you just put two of them in the bag!
  • Hitting a driver off the deck is hard if you have a slower swing speed. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions about carrying two drivers in the bag and whether or not it is worth it. 

Can You Use 2 Drivers In Golf? 

The rules of golf do not restrict you from carrying two drivers in your golf bag. The golf drivers need to be USGA conforming, and you cannot have more than 14 clubs total in your golf bag. 

Does Phil Mickelson use Two Drivers? 

Phil Mickelson uses two driers from time to time, depending on the golf course he is playing. Typically one of the drivers is slightly lower in profile and allows him to hit a shot off the fairway if he wants to. In addition, the larger driver is used for distance on holes where there is slightly less trouble. 

Is 2 Drivers Illegal?

Having 2 drivers in the golf bag is not illegal. Players can use two drivers as long they don’t have more than 14 clubs in the bag.  

How many drivers should I have? 

One driver is standard for most golfers. However, some players will use two. It would be very rare (and likely not the best strategy) to have more than two drivers in the bag. 

Is Two Drivers In The Bag A Rookie Or Pro Move? 

The bottom line, two drivers in the bag is a pro move as long as you have a reason behind it. 

Are you carrying two drivers because you aren’t sure which one you like better?

That’s a rookie move. 

Are you carrying two drivers because one goes straight and the other bombs it (sometimes a little offline)? Then you are making a pro move. 

Spend time analyzing your game and looking at the clubs in your bag. If you are using them, that’s great, but the ones that aren’t being used can go. Don’t worry about being conventional when you replace a club; worry about performance. 

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