Last Updated on March 16, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

I never play golf without a golf glove. In fact, as a college and then professional player, I felt almost lost without the glove on. Golfers have some strong opinions about whether or not it makes sense to wear a glove when they play, so I will break this down for you. I’ll answer the question, why wear a golf glove, and then give you my tips for wearing the glove when it makes the most sense. (It’s not all the time!)

Why Wear A Golf Glove? 

The main reason to wear a golf glove is to ensure a secure grip on the golf club. You’ll often hear that you want to lower your grip pressure, but with sweaty hands, the club can twist and leave you inconsistent at impact. 

In addition, golf gloves can help keep the blisters and calluses away if you are an avid golfer. 

​I’ve always found that wearing a golf glove ensures more speed through impact because I’m not worried about the club moving, twisting, or sliding. 

Can Wearing A Golf Glove Lower Your Scores? 

Wearing a golf glove is a matter of personal preference. However, there are times when playing with one could lower your scores. Here are a few examples. 

You Are New to The Game, And Your Hands Are Not Callused

If you are a new player, it’s a good idea to wear a glove until you get used to the golf grip. You’ll get a better feel of the club and have fewer issues with blisters and pain. One of the quickest ways to lose a new golf student is for them to get a terrible blister. They take a few days to heal, and it’s easy to lose momentum because of how painful the blisters are. 

The Conditions Are Hot and Humid

If conditions are hot and humid, even great players can lose control of the club on the golf course. If you want to take a lighter grip and benefit from the warm weather distance you can get, put on a glove. Cabretta leather gloves are usually thinner and offer great feel if you aren’t typically a glove-wearing golfer. 

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Your Grips Need To Be Replaced 

If you haven’t gotten around to purchasing new golf grips for your clubs, wear a glove until you have time to do so. In hot weather or wet conditions, you’ll be sliding all over the place until your grips are replaced. 

You Are Working On Gaining More Speed Through Impact

Wear a golf glove if you are worried about gaining speed through impact. You can focus your attention to the task at hand and eliminate all fear of losing control of the club.  

When To Wear A Golf Glove?

Another critical topic to address is when to wear a golf glove. Sometimes, it makes sense to play with bare hands (especially in the short game). Again, these may end up being personal preferences, but here are a few times you will make sure you wear a golf glove. 

When It’s Raining 

​Wearing at least one golf club on the lead hand when it’s raining is recommended. It’s best if this is a rain glove, not just a typical golf glove. You’ll want to use those synthetic materials to gain some extra traction when the clubs are wet.

If you have never hit golf balls in the rain, you probably don’t understand just how much the club can slip in wet weather. This is also a time when wearing a left-hand and right-hand glove can make sense. 

For Power Shots

When you really want to rip at the ball (regardless of weather conditions), wearing a golf glove is smart. You’ll be able to forget about your connection with the club and benefit from having a more secure grip. This is actually why I love to wear a golf glove: I know I can go through impact at full speed. 

Around The Greens (Sometimes)

From 100 to 30 yards from the green, I keep a single glove in my non-dominant hand. (left hand for right-handed golfer). The glove comes off when I get within 30 yards of the green.

This may just be a quirky thing I’ve learned through the years, but it does help me have a better grip when my swing needs speed and more control and feel when I hit shorter shots. I find this especially important if you have purchased a thicker golf glove. Unless it feels like a second skin, get it off when you have a short feel or touch shot. 

Driving Range

Wear a golf glove at the driving range if you plan to wear one on the course. The point of the driving range is to practice what you will do on the course. If you don’t wear a glove on the course, don’t wear one on the driving range. 

Putting Green??

On the putting green, you won’t benefit from keeping a glove on. Remember, the key reason to wear a glove is to establish better traction to increase speed in the golf swing. Is that something necessary for putting green? Probably not. Take the glove off as you walk up to the green. It’s not a bad pre-shot routine to get your mind set on the task at hand. 

One or Two Golf Gloves?

Wearing two golf gloves is really only necessary for a few specific reasons. These include: 

  • Cold weather – helps keep the hands warm throughout the round 
  • Wet weather – if it’s really raining and the grips are impossible to stay dry. 
  • Golfers with arthritis – in the hands who need a thicker glove and less pain on the course 

Outside of that, you probably won’t find the need to wear two gloves. Of course, Tommy “two gloves” Gainey does, and he’s a PGA Tour player, but it’s not common. In fact, it’s probably more common to see professional golfers play without gloves on. 

​Golf Glove Questions Answered

As a golf professional I’ve been asked a lot of questions about golf gloves through the years. I’ve gathered a lot of these questions here for ou. If you have additional questions, please leave them for me below and I’m happy to answer them. 

Why do pros not wear golf gloves? 

​Professional golfers like the feel of a grip in their hands without different materials between their hands and the club. Also, let’s remember that professionals constantly get new grips on their clubs. They don’t have to worry about sliding or slipping because of worn golf grips. 

What hand do right-handed golfers wear a glove on?

​Right-handed golfers wear a glove on the left hand. 

What hand do left-handed golfers wear a glove on?  

​Left handed golfers wear a glove on the right hand. 

Should kids wear a golf glove? 

​Junior golfers, especially new ones, should wear a glove to avoid getting blisters. It’s tough to motivate a young golfer recovering from a nasty blister on their hand. 

Is a leather golf glove the best? 

​A leather golf glove has the best feel, but it is not as good as synthetic golf gloves in terms of rough weather conditions and longevity. Many scratch golfers claim they can only wear a leather glove.

Will golf gloves help reduce twisting of the club? 

​A golf glove alone won’t reduce twisting of the club. You also need to ensure your hands are in the right position and your grip is fundamentally sound. 

Final Thoughts

If you have never tried a golf glove, there are numerous benefits to consider. I would recommend purchasing a new glove (a premium quality leather one) and playing a few rounds with it.  See if you are able to eliminate a few of your inconsistent shots. This decision could end up being a matter of preference for you; but I think you’ll like the extra grip you feel like you have on the club.  

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