Last Updated on January 7, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

Many factors go into the average golf score and the world handicap system, but it’s kind of nice to know whether you are above average, below, or somewhere right in the middle. As a professional golfer who also spent many years teaching the game, I can tell you that the handicap system, when followed correctly, is quite valuable. If you have ever found yourself wondering, what is the average golf handicap, you are in the right place. 

Golf Handicap vs. Course Handicap

Your golf handicap index is the official number you get from the GHIN or World Handicap system, representing your average score across all golf courses. 

However, since the difficulty of the course changes from one location to the next, we also have something called course handicap. If your handicap index is 7.4 and you are playing a difficult golf course, your course handicap could be a 9 that day. If you play an easier course the next day (one with a lower course rating and slope rating), you may have to play as a 7 or even a 6 handicap. 

I’ll get into the specifics of golf handicaps and converting from index to course handicap in another article. 

For now, let’s dive into the average golf handicap and whether or not your average handicap index is good.  

What is the Average Golf Handicap for Men? 

Most studies of the average golf handicap for men done by the United States Golf Association end up with a number anywhere from 15 to 17. 

However, if you look at handicap index statistics at many country clubs and even public golf courses, the number seems a few shots higher. 

If you play a lot of golf, you may run into a single-digit handicap quite often, but there aren’t a ton of them out there.

What is the Average Golf Handicap for Women? 

For women golfers, the average golf handicap is around 28. 

The higher handicap women golfers tend to struggle to have enough distance to reach a green in regulation. 

This quickly increases the scores with the number of shots it takes to get to the green. 

Average Golf Handicap for Men – Based on Age

Young men (those under 40) can generate quite a bit of clubhead speed. Getting an extra 15 or 20 yards from your driver can decrease the strokes it takes to get to the green. Therefore, it’s easier to make a par.

Interestingly, as men age, the average golf handicap doesn’t increase much. 

The most straightforward explanation for this is time. 

Once a golfer retires, spending time on the golf course is much easier. Things like short game and putting can develop even more.  

After the age of 70, amateur golfers tend to be more mixed in how their official handicap index changes. 

Some will stay relatively level and shoot good scores. Others will slow down physically and have a hard time maintaining their average handicap. 

Age BracketAverage Handicap Range Male Golfers
20-2916.0 to 19.0
30-3918.0 to 21.0
40-4917.5 to 20.5
50-5917.5 to 20.5
60-69who to 23.0
70-7920.0 to 23.0

Average Golf Handicap for Women – Based on Age

Women golfers have a very similar progression to men golfers when it comes to the official golf handicap and their averages based on age. 

As handicaps increase with age, it’s likely a matter of consistency, hand-eye coordination, and speed.  

With women golfers, we see a lot of consistency in their scores from age. Remember, this is the handicap index, so the course handicap would likely be an average of around 24-28, which is the average for female golfers. 

Age BracketAverage Handicap Range, Female Golfers
20-2918.5 to 21.5
30-3920.5 to 23.5
40-4920.5 to 23.5
50-5920.5 to 23.5
60-6923.0 to 26.0
70+23.0 to 26.0

Average Golf Handicap – Based on Years Playing The Game

The longer you play golf, the easier it is to lower your handicap. 

However, this is not a perfect equation. 

Technically speaking, you should be learning and improving as time goes on. 

However, many golfers shoot lower scores at the 5 to 15-year mark than they do as they age. 

This depends on when you pick up the game, how much time you put in, and what your individual goals are. 

I’m a golfer that can’t wait to shoot lower. I want to continue to shoot the lowest scores I possibly can. 

I’ve played with many players who have no problem shooting 85 or 90 or even 95 and considering that a great golf score.  

Years PlayingEstimated Handicap
<1 year36
1-2 years28
3-5 years20
6-10 years16
11-20 years12
>20 years8

Average Handicap by Frequency of Play

​Golfers that play more than 2 times per week are often getting close to being a single digit handicap. Before you tell me about your friend, a bogey golfer who plays 7 days, I’m fully aware. 

The point is that the average golf handicap for golfers who play more often is lower than those who play infrequently. 

You likely have that friend at work who plays once a month and has a maximum handicap. 

While you also have that other person itching to get 9 or even 12 holes in after work on a Tuesday. 

Frequency of PlayEstimated Handicap
< once a month28
1-2 times a month22
1-2 times a week16
> 2 times a week12

Average Handicap by Course Type Played

Golfers at public golf courses tend to have a slightly higher average handicap than golfers at a private club. 

There are a few key reasons behind that. 

One is that the public course golfers have rougher conditions and a slower pace of play to deal with. 

In addition, golfers who play a local public course may not have nearly as much accesibility or availability to work on their game. 

Private country club members have practice facilities and easier course access making the road to being a scratch golfer much better. 

Also, let’s not forget that if you are a player with a good handicap you are probably more interested in spending the money to join a country club. 

Course TypeHandicap
Public Course20
Private Club15

Average Handicap by Golf Instruction and Coaching

​Can taking golf lessons actually make you a better player? 


Here’s the public service announcement for all new golfers. If you want to get better and have a lower handicap, you are going to need some instruction and coaching. 

Golf instruction and coaching are getting easier. You can use apps and personal launch monitors to get information and data to help you work on your game. 

The key here is that the average golfer shoots lower when they understand their swing and can fix issues as they come up. 

No Regular Coaching25
Occasional Coaching18
Regular Coaching12

What Is A Good Golf Handicap? 

Most people consider a good golf handicap to be a single-digit handicap. 

However, you really have to look at individual situations to decide what a good golf handicap is. 

I don’t know about you, but an 85-year-old 12 handicap is a pretty good golfer. A beginner with a 22 handicap has also come a long way in a short period of time. Female players with handicaps in the high teens are considered to be quite good. The good golf handicap question is a tough one that will have a variety of answers. 

The key is to shoot the best scores you can at your local course regardless of what the average is. 

What Is The Lowest Handicap A Golfer Can Have? 

Interestingly as golfers get better, they end up putting a “+” in front of their handicap. 

Many professional golfers, before they enter into the world of professional golf have a handicap of around +7 or +8. 

This would mean that they shoot 7 or 8 under par on average. This is different than a 7 or 8 handicap golfer who would typically shoot in the 79 to 80 range. 

How To Determine Your Handicap?

 The best way to determine your golf handicap is to use the GHIN system and start entering all of your scores. Each time you play a round of golf, put your score in (good or bad). Over time, the average will become your handicap index. 

Adding both higher scores and lower scores is what makes the handicap accurate and a true representation of how you would play in a match or tournament situation. 

Final Thoughts

Although we may have an idea of what the average golf handicap is for men and women, there are just so many variables in this equation. If you aren’t sure if you are a good golfer, an average golfer, or a terrible golfer, sign yourself up for a tournament. Tournaments at your local club are the quickest way to scope out what type of player you are.  

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