Last Updated on January 7, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

As a golf professional and former membership director, I’ve seen a lot of good and bad happen at country clubs throughout the years. Although there are a few horror stories, I’ve seen mostly good behavior. I’ll give you some of the best tips for navigating the social scene at a country club. Whether you are a new member or considering joining a country club, this information should help. 

8 Socially Acceptable Behaviors At A Country Club 

For the most part, engaging in socially acceptable behavior at a country club doesn’t need to be as difficult as some people make it. If you can conduct yourself in a classy and professional manner away from the club, you should be able to do the same at the club. 

Follow the Dress Code

Every country club has a different dress code. The dress code is not universal, so before you wear the joggers, hoodie, mock neck, or leggings, you better check with the pro shop first. Once you do, you will be all set. 

Be There on Time

Getting to your tee time on time or a few minutes early is encouraged at all country clubs. Running late would move to a “thing not to do.” 

Respect Privacy 

If you are somebody that leaves people alone and lets them have their privacy (even if they are a celebrity or sports star), you will fit in quite well at a country club. Remember, this is where people come to escape, and they don’t want you following them around. 

Understand Golf Etiquette 

Golf etiquette is so important. When you follow the equity rules on the golf course, people will want to play golf with you for years to come. Do a brush-up on etiquette every once in a while just to make sure you have it down. 

Tip When Appropriate 

Tip when you should,, but make sure you are tipping well, and you are tipping the right person. It takes a little bit to figure out the tipping thing at a country club, but you have to know it if you want to be a longstanding member with a good reputation. 

Be Smart About Networking 

Networking is one of the best things about joining a country club, but keep in mind there is a time and a place for this. 

Participate in Events 

Events at your local country club are fun, and they will help you get to know people at the club. Certainly, it’s not a requirement to participate in an event, but if you want to be socially acceptable and actually enjoy your time there, go ahead and do some of the events. 

Learn Names 

There are tons of great techniques to learn people’s names and actually remember them. Try to adopt some of these. Let’s put it this way: if the staff can learn the name of every member, chances are you can learn the 30-40 people in your social circle and golf groups. 

8 Things Not To Do At A Country Club 

Now that we have the easy part out of the way, here are the things you need to stay away from if you want to be considered socially acceptable at the country club. 

Overshare Personal Issues 

The last thing you want to do is start spreading personal issues around the club. If you and your spouse are having a rough time, or your kid just gets expelled, don’t bring that to the club. 

Be Loud

Country clubs are still classy places where you must be quiet, respectful, and calm. If you are loud and boisterous, you will get a name for yourself rather quickly. Try to leave that at home for now.  

Act Like It’s “Your” Club 

We know that if you have an equity membership, you are partially invested in the club. However, so is everyone else around you. An entitled attitude of being an owner of the club is not going to get you anywhere. 

Bring The Wrong Guest

We all have friends who are just not meant to be at a country club. Try to avoid bringing those friends with you. You can’t control other people, and if you know they are going to embarrass you and have a hard time following club policies, 

Treat Staff Unfairly 

Most clubs have concrete guidelines for how to treat staff. The staff is there to help accommodate you and ensure you enjoy your experience, but they deserve respect and kindness. You may be asked to leave the club if you can’t manage that. 

Solicit Free Advice 

Professionals are there to make your experience at the club memorable and value-filled. However, if you’re constantly asking golf professionals for tips and advice without ever signing up for a golf lesson, you will eventually be told this is not ok. 


Don’t start talking about other people at the club. It will come back around that you were the one that starts rumor and gossip. Country clubs can be a little like living in a fishbowl. Do your part to stay out of it if you can. 

Drink Too Much 

It seems simple, and we certainly aren’t saying you should not enjoy yourself. However, if you drink too much at the club, you will get yourself in trouble. Have fun and be smart, but don’t take this to your college party days; it’s just not supposed to be like that. 

Final Thoughts 

There is much more to properly navigating the social scene at a country club. You have to learn to get into games with other golfers, which groups you should be playing with when it’s appropriate to head out to the golf course with your kids, and more. However, these basic dos and don’ts will get you on the right track and ensure you don’t get yourself kicked out of the club (or friendless) within your first few months of country club membership. 

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