Last Updated on July 1, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

Golfers can be complainers. We all know how to blame a missed driver on a person talking or a bad chip on poor golf course conditions. It kind of comes with the territory. However, these are some of the golfers’ top complaints that really are annoying. After all, it’s a game we love and a game we all invest in, so we should be allowed to complain. Right? After over 30 years of playing this game, I don’t complain too much as I’ve accepted most of these, but if you get me started, I’ll gladly join in!

Having to Hit Out of a Divot

A perfect drive, 275 yards down the center of the fairway and it ends up in a divot that someone left behind. This is frustrating and unfair and will absolutely throw off your next shot.

Yet, it’s considered normal in golf. It’s just part of the game.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could change this? Get some relief and play our well-earned shot from the short grass.

Playing from a Fried Egg

Like playing from a divot, the fried egg is a mess. When your golf ball sits in the fried egg, it’s just kind of a hit-and-hope situation.

The buried lie makes it difficult to achieve the accuracy you want, and your mindset will also be thrown off by having to compete from this unfair position. At least let us rake and then drop the ball!

Golfers Ignoring Pace of Play

Slow play can ruin any great day on the golf course. It is a common issue, and it can usually be avoided if people care just a little more about the people behind them.

There is just no good way to spend your time when you are having to wait several minutes to hit each shot.

I personally play my worst golf when I’m waiting. It’s made even worse when I’m watching people in front of me take 13 practice swings.

Out of Bounds Being So Penalizing

Out of bounds is the worst penalty.

Having to pay a stroke and distance can make it almost impossible for many golfers to save a bogey. The worst part is that sometimes, your ball may only be out of bounds by an inch or two, yet you have to go back to the tee box.

With lateral hazards, this isn’t the case.

Leaving Tees Behind

People that work golf course maintenance work really hard to make sure the course stays in great shape. Then golfers go out there and destroy it!

Of course, some of this is understood, such as taking divots and making footprints. However, when it comes to littering the tee boxes with golf tees, it’s just not necessary.

Stop leaving tees behind and broken everywhere. If there are small cups next to the tee box, use them; if not, put the tee in your pocket or get rid of it.

Bare Grass Areas on the Course that Aren’t Marked

We’ve made enough complaints about other golfers in our group, this one is about the course. When bare patches of grass are left on fairways or around greens, it becomes unfair. However, we, as golfers, can all understand that this happens from time to time simply because of the rate of growth of grass.

All we ask is that it’s properly marked so we don’t have to pay for it!

Just mark this as ground under repair. We get our drop, and there are no complaints. Too many golf courses don’t keep up with marking these large bare areas, and it’s frustrating.

Poor Course Signage

Have you ever followed what you thought was the path to the next hole, only to find out you were unexpectedly on the back nine? Some courses look at it as a sign of prestige to not put signs out.

Some of this we can understand, but it’s also really important to have a general idea of where the next hole is.

You’ll see this a lot at Courses: You finish the front nine, make it back to the clubhouse, and then have no idea where to head to find the 10th tee box.

Getting Paired Up At The Tee Box

You and your two best friends head out for a round of golf. You are completely fine with being a group of three and even have some games planned where everyone can play a match against the other two.

Then, of course, you get to the first tee box, and the starter has a single to pair you with.

Sometimes, this single is a great addition, making your whole day better; other times, it is not.

It would be so nice if there was an option to politely decline getting paired up at the first tee.

However, it’s just not like that.

Final Thoughts

How many of these have thrown off one of your rounds of golf? We can’t complain too much; we are all still out on the course and getting a chance to enjoy our time.

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