Last Updated on September 8, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

Golfers can be annoying. It’s sometimes hard to find other golfers to play with that don’t annoy you when you play. Here’s another concept: ensure you aren’t the annoying golfer in the group. These are the 7 most annoying golf habits you’re probably guilty of.

Talking about your golf game as if everybody else cares

If you constantly discuss your round, swing, or scores, you are likely annoying other people. Stop talking about your game to others.

Focus on your own game improvement and contribute to stories when golfers are talking, but don’t go shot by shot through your round and expect other golfers to care. They won’t!

Complaining about a good shot

When you hit a good shot, fess up to the fact that it was good. How often have you seen a 20 handicapper hit a shot three inches from the pin and act like they do it all the time? We all know they don’t! If you make a bad swing and it works out, or you pull off something that you’ll never do again, don’t complain about it and say it should be closer or it’s not that good.

Taking too long to line up a putt

Spending unnecessary time lining up putts is annoying. You should have plenty of time to line up your putts in the normal course of play. When you slow everyone else down because you are spending time trying to make a 30-foot putt, read your putt as you walk up to the green and then again when you are on the green, but don’t take excessive amounts of time doing it.

Offering unsolicited golf tips

If you know a lot about the game of golf and you want to help others, that’s nice. However, if they don’t ask you for advice, let it be. Some players are working on their own things or trying to keep their minds clear of swing thoughts. Don’t ruin that by offering unsolicited golf tips. It’s not fair to them.

Not being ready to hit when it’s your turn

When it’s your turn, make sure you are ready to play. Wasting time will cause a delay that isn’t fair to the other players in your group. Playing ready golf is the only chance all golfers have of getting a round in a reasonable amount of time.

Overreacting to bad shots

Things like throwing golf clubs, searing, or making a scene when you aren’t playing a good round make others around you uncomfortable. Don’t do this. Everyone hits bad shots, and chances are you aren’t good enough to complain as much as you are about your golf shots. When you hit a bad one, move on and try to make the next one great.

Too many gadgets  

Finally, golfers who carry all their gadgets on the course have started to become annoying. Sometimes, things like GPS watches or strokes-gained tracking apps slow the pace of play. In addition, these gadgets may cause you to start talking too much about stats, tracking, and numbers, and some golfers are out there just to enjoy the day.

If you are guilty of these annoying habits, see how to tone them down and control your actions during the course.

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