Last Updated on September 4, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

With golf bags that have 10+ pockets and enough room to carry dozens of golf balls and four sweatshirts, you may feel like you need some direction as to what you should keep in your golf bag. I’ve been playing for 30 years, and there are 7 things you should always have in your golf bag.

Bandaid for a blister

Blisters are common when playing golf. Sometimes, they happen because the temperature is warm that day; other times, they happen because of how you hold the club.

Either way, you don’t want the blister to mark the end of your golf round. Instead, keep a few bandaids in the bag so you have them should you need them.

Extra towel

I love having an extra towel in my golf bag. Let’s face it: the one on the outside of the bag is pretty dirty. It’s fine for the clubs and your golf ball.

Having another towel in the bag should it start raining or you want to clean up a little after a round is a really nice benefit. The bottom line is you never know when an extra golf towel is going to come in handy. It’s worth just putting one in the bag, and if you get the right kind, it’s not going to add any weight to the bag.


Here’s a more modern but smart option: Putting an AirTag or tracking device in your golf bag will help you locate your gear if it gets stolen or misplaced.

This doesn’t happen all that often, but when it does, you’ll be glad you had the AirTag in place.

It’s a minimal investment to help protect a rather large investment.

Portable Charger

If you play golf and use your phone throughout the round, there is a good chance you’ll run out of battery at some point. Keep this in mind and pack a portable charger. Some rounds take five or more hours, which can be a long time for your electronics, which need frequent charging.

Sharpie Marker

Mark your golf balls with a Sharpie marker so you know which one is yours when you get to it. The Sharpie marker only costs a few dollars, but it’s worth putting in the bag. If you decide that a line on your golf ball may help you with aiming or alignment on the putting green, go ahead and use it for that as well.

A snack with protein

Leave a protein bar or similar in your golf bag should you need it. Golfers run into emergencies on the course sometimes where they feel weak or lightheaded, but most importantly, you want to have a good mindset and plenty of energy as you head into the back nine. If you don’t eat the snack, change it every time you play so it doesn’t go bad.

Extra golf balls  

You think it will never happen to you, but there could be a time when you run out of golf balls in the bag. I never play a round of golf without 9 golf balls in the bag. It’s a number I decided on long ago, and I stick to it. Most days, I use one, sometimes two, and sometimes I find two or three more on the course. The key is I never have to think about how many balls I have in the bag. I know I’m prepared.

Keep your golf bag properly stocked so you always have what you need on the course. 

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