Last Updated on August 31, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

Your golf score can be saved in the middle of the round. Yes, there are times when everything feels right, even from the start of the round and times when everything feels wrong. The key is finding these fixes as quickly as possible and saving as many holes as possible. Here are 6 in-round fixes every golfer should know to save their score.

Lower and Slower Takeaway

A slow, controlled takeaway is key on days when your tempo is off and you can’t seem to make consistent contact with the ball. This slower, controlled takeaway will maintain balance and rhythm and reduce the chances of a missed shot.

You should feel like you extend the club a bit on the takeaway and keep it low and along the ground. This ensures a smoother transition at the top of the swing as well.

Stop Taking Too Much Club

When things start to go wrong on the course, many golfers take an extra club and try to swing easy. The problem with swinging easy is that it encourages players to slow their swing down through impact. Don’t do this. Try to increase your acceleration, take a little less club, and force yourself to swing through the shot. It’s your best chance.

Full and Balanced Follow-Through

A full follow-through will help ensure proper weight transfer. You’ll keep your swing in sync, have better ball striking, and maximize your distance. Sometimes, you have too many thoughts in the backswing or at impact, making it hard to get to a full follow-through.

Instead, focus on achieving a position where all your weight is on the lead foot and you are facing your target.

This will help with any of the mental issues that are holding you back as you swing.

Focus on Tempo (Not SPEED)

The first thing I hear amateur golfers say when things start to get ugly on the course is to “slow down.” Don’t do this. You can focus on tempo, but instead, think of the ratio.

Focus on taking three counts back and one count forward. Count one, two, three on the way back, and then swing through with full speed to get to the full and balanced position forward.

Simplify Your Short Game

The short game can make or break your round of golf. If you want to save a bad round, go for a more straightforward shot. Try to keep the ball lower. Hit more of a basic bump-and-run shot that will be more reliable under pressure.

Don’t add much wrist hinge or a large backswing. Keep the ball lower, let it hit the ground somewhere between you and the target, and let it roll the rest of the way to the hole. Use clubs like the pitching wedge and nine iron so you can take fewer swings and see very simple and accurate results.

Pick a Specific Target

Stop aiming at a general area or telling yourself that you need to just “hit it straight.” Start picking a specific target for each shot. Even the green is not specific enough. You want to try and go for the left side of the green, in line with a tree behind the green, etc.

Sometimes, all you need to do is pick this target, and you can actually hit it.

Narrowing your focus can improve overall accuracy and confidence on the course.

It takes your otherwise distracted or overwhelmed mind and focuses it on the specific task at hand.

Hopefully these in-round fixes save your next round of golf, while you are still on the course!

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