Last Updated on May 28, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

Golfers can be like the etiquette police. Some etiquette rules are easily understood and well communicated. Others are less obvious, and you may break them without realizing it. If you are wondering whether you are making any of these golf etiquette mistakes, here they are. 

Talking During Someone’s Swing

Even when it’s a friendly round of golf, talking during someone else’s swing needs to stop. Distractions between players lead to poor performance and concentration, not to mention the fact that it’s just not fair. Even during casual play, it’s important to at least think about the shot you are hitting. 

Giving Unsolicited Advice

Most amateur golfers aren’t good enough to share advice with those around them. Yes, it’s okay to say that you had a great lesson with your pro and you learned something new. However, it’s entirely different to start diagnosing issues and trying to tell others what they are doing wrong. As much as you may want to help, wait until you are asked. 

Not Raking the Bunker

Smoothing the sand over with your foot because the rake is on the other side of the trap is not okay. You have to rake the sand so it’s fair for the next player. Not raking the bunker shows that you just don’t care about the condition of the course or the player in the group behind you. 

Walking Off the Green 

If some golfers are still putting, wait until they finish before you leave. Walking off the green prematurely is just rude. If you were there trying to make a birdie putt and everyone walked away before you even had the chance, you would feel a little disheartened. Rushing off the green while others are putting is not going to speed up the pace of play all that much. 

Playing Too Slowly

Taking too long on your shots makes it seem as though your shots are the only ones that matter. Instead, take a reasonable amount of time so no other players in your group need to rush because of you and your slow play. Slow play is much more frustrating than poor play; keep that in mind. 

Not Yelling “Fore”

You must shout out “Fore” when your ball is heading toward another player or group. If you don’t, someone can get seriously hurt. You are better off yelling fore and having the ball miss than being too concerned about the yelling and not saying anything at all. 

Leaving Broken Tees Around 

When you break a tee on the tee box, pick it up and dispose of it. Not only do these tees sometimes damage the golf maintenance equipment, but they also leave the course looking sloppy. Pick the tee up, put it in your pocket, or dispose of it at the next trash can. Saving the broken ones for the par 3 is another strategy. 

Using a Cell Phone

Some golf courses don’t even allow cell phones, and we can definitely see why. Using a cell phone while playing golf with others is distracting and annoying. Now, if you need to send a quick text or email, you may have no choice. Simply explain this to your partners and get it done quickly. However, talking to your wife about what you should have for dinner is just disrespectful to the other golfers in your group. 

Failing to Repair Divots and Ball Marks

On every single hole of the course, you should look for divots and ball marks that you can fix. Some courses offer sand that you should be filing into a divot. Even if you are not near the golf cart when you play your shot, take the sand with you so that you can fill the divot accordingly. 

On the green, repair your ball mark and then one other. If you leave these big marks in the green, it gives the other golfers in your group a very poor look. It’s a quick way to show you don’t really care! 

Final Thoughts 

Brush up on your golf etiquette every once in a while. For most players who have been around the game a while, the etiquette thing comes easy. However, there are others who are brand new to this concept, and because of that, they make some embarrassing mistakes on the course. Fellow golfers would much rather play with a polite person who fixes their ball mark than a scratch golfer who thinks bunker raking is for the higher handicaps! 

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