Last Updated on August 9, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

Have you ever played with a golfer who talked about how great they were, only to find out that wasn’t the truth? Some golfers think they are much better than they actually are. Here are 8 tell tale signs of a golfer who thinks they’re a pro. You’ve seen these before!

Constantly Giving Unsolicited Advice

Golfers who think they’re a pro can’t help but coach others. They offer tips and tricks even when nobody is asking for them. Sometimes, you’ll hit a bad shot and just want to deal with it, not get a lesson.

When you play with a “real” pro, they will wait for you to ask them for advice, or they may ask if you want advice.

Obsessing Over Exact Yardages

Does it matter if you have 144 or 143 to the hole if you haven’t hit your club to exact yardage in the last six rounds?

Debating over a few yards difference slows everyone else down and will likely never affect the score.

Wannabe pros obsess over distances when it just doesn’t matter.

Always Talking About Their Equipment

Golfers that think they are professionals always know about the latest gear and custom golf clubs. They even talk about only being able to play with high end golf balls or shafts.

The equipment we play with makes a difference. However, real golf professionals don’t have to talk about this equipment so much; they just use it. They quietly go about their round and use the equipment to go low.

Emulating Pro Rituals and Gestures

Remember how Camillo would almost lie down on the green to read his putts? That’s his thing. If the guy in your group starts doing this, you can trust me. He has no clue what he’s doing.

Golfers who think they are pros mimic professional golfers regarding pre-shot routines, gestures, and even celebratory moves (i.e., Tiger running fist pump to the hole.) Let’s face it: the fist pump is great, but save it for the big-time moves; nobody cares about your 30-foot bogey putt.

Blaming Every Poor Shot on External Factors

Sometimes, when you hit a bad golf shot, it’s your fault. Even the pros admit to this. However, golfers who think they are pros often blame course conditions, their caddie, wind (when there isn’t any), equipment, etc.

When you hit a bad shot, own up to it.

Keeping Detailed Statistics of Every Round

As a golf professional myself, I fully appreciate and understand the importance of stats. Stats can help you know what to work on and where your game needs improvement.

However, if you are taking a Matt Fitzpatrick-level approach and tracking every shot of every round, it may be time to tone it down.

This also applies to knowing information about your swing and game from a launch monitor. That data is great, but if you don’t know what it means, go take a lesson.

Getting Overly Competitive and Serious

Some golfers treat the casual round as though it’s the Masters. They may even get annoyed if you don’t play a competition or if you don’t take the game seriously.

Here’s a tip I can give you: some golfers play to completely avoid competition and just enjoy a day outside. If that’s what they prefer, let them be!

Insisting on Playing from the Back Tees

Playing from the championship tees is possibly my favorite of the signs of a golfer who thinks they are a pro. It’s completely unnecessary to play from the back tees if you can’t shoot low scores from these tees.

Yes, the championship tees are a true test of golf, but you do not need to get involved in them. Save them for the players who can handle them.

Hopefully, you are not displaying any of these signs of a golfer who thinks they are a professional. Once you get to the pro level, you’ll see these aren’t the signs at all!

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