Last Updated on June 10, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

If you have unlimited time and budget, you should consider getting fitted for new golf clubs every other year. This is not the situation that more than 90% of golfers find themselves in. However, there are equipment mistakes you may be making that are costing you strokes. These mistakes don’t necessarily require you to spend thousands of dollars; sometimes, just $100 or even $50 can help you put equipment in your hands that will be a much better fit for your game.

Using Inconsistent Grips

Golfers do not change their golf grips enough. That’s the first problem. The second problem is not using the same grips throughout your set of clubs.

This will lead to inconsistent feel and performance.

I’ve seen some players with midsize grips on their irons, a jumbo in the wedges, and a standard on the driver. If you have a legitimate reason for this, go for it.

Chances are you haven’t addressed this issue and have not updated the grips to match.

Find a grip you love and keep it consistent throughout the set.

Incorrect Club Gapping

You will have time on the golf course when you end up between two clubs. For me, I hit a 9-iron 135 and an 8-iron 145. Therefore, the 140-yard shot is kind of an in-between shot for me.

This is normal.

However, if you are a golfer who chooses not to carry a gap wedge or has a 5 iron and then a 3 wood in the set, you may be leaving yourself with improper club gapping.

If you have more than 10-15 yards between some of your clubs, you may be missing a club.

This yardage gap makes it hard to nail these distances and hit your desired shots.

Use a rangefinder or a launch monitor to determine how far you hit each of your clubs and identify any large gaps.

Playing with Ill-Fitting Clubs

Your golf game has changed through the years. Sometimes, you’ll work on your swing speed and gain some extra power; other times, you’ll have an injury that slows you down a bit.

Lots of issues can come up.

However, playing clubs with the wrong shaft flex, incorrect lie angle, or improper length will impact your game.

Go for a fitting every few years.

You don’t need to order a brand new set of custom clubs; maybe you can just have the ones you currently use tweaked to match your abilities.

Professional golf club fitting can be worth the money.

Ignoring Forgiving Clubs

As a scratch golfer, I pushed forgiving clubs away for a long time. I wanted only the player-type golf clubs because I thought they were the only options for pure feel and feedback.

Technology has come a long way, and this is not the case anymore.

In today’s world of golf, you can get golf clubs that are both forgiving and have a great feel.

Take advantage of this in the areas where your game is the weakest.

If you are struggling around the greens, put a cavity back wedge into play and forget the blades for a bit. It won’t matter when you start hitting all your chips in the hole!

Not Staggering New Golf Club Purchases

Do not buy all new golf clubs at once.

Each season add to your set in some way. If you do this, you’ll have an easier time justifying the expense, and you’ll always have some of the latest and greatest technology in your bag. Change out the wedges one year, get a new driver the next etc.

You’ll be glad to get on this routine and find out how much it will impact your golf game.

Improperly Matched Golf Ball

Let’s not forget that the golf ball is part of your golf equipment. Not using the correct golf ball for your game is one of the simplest equipment mistakes.

Golf balls come in a variety of price ranges; the key is to dial in the spin that you need. Low spin balls offer extra distance, high spin golf balls create more precision around the greens.

Not Paying Attention to the Grooves

Golf clubs wear out over time, especially wedges and irons. Worn grooves can reduce spin and control. Take a look at your wedges and irons and make sure that the grooves are still sufficient to give you the spin and control you need. Regularly check your clubs for wear and replace them as needed.

You can sharpen grooves as long as you don’t change the shape of them, but when your clubs are worn down this far, it’s probably time to look at an upgrade.

Skipping Regular Maintenance

Regularly maintaining your clubs will extend their life and ensure consistent performance. Do not let dirt, sand, and rocks cake up on the face or sole of the golf clubs.

Keep something on the cart that will help you clean your clubs not just at the end of the round but when you are playing as well.

Don’t forget to regrip when needed.

Final Thoughts

None of these 8 equipment mistakes will turn you into a professional golfer. However, making these few little changes and upgrades can shave strokes. As a golfer, your equipment is important as it’s the tools you have to work with. If you are serious about the game, take your equipment seriously.

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