Last Updated on September 6, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

Golfers like to talk. They find something to say about the courses they play, the people they play with, and the equipment they have in the bag. If you are a golfer or around other golfers all the time, here are 7 things golfers say they hate but secretly love.

Early Morning Tee Times

Complaining about getting up early to play golf is kind of ridiculous. You could be having to get up early to go to work instead. Not to mention, when golfers get out on the course early in the morning, it’s quiet, the pace of play is faster, and you’ll finish having the rest of the day to go play again!

Taking a Golf Cart

Golfers say, “Oh, walking is so much better,” or “Walking helps me shoot lower.” Yet, when they get to the course for the day, they throw the bag on a cart.

Why does this happen?

Golfers like golf carts; they are easy and fun, and there are golf cart accessories that make the round more convenient and enjoyable.

Not Getting Paired Up On the First Tee

When you get to the first tee, and there are no other golfers to join your group, it could mean you have a slow day in front of you. Sure, this seems like something to complain about, but golfers secretly love to play a round of golf on their own occasionally. It’s perfect to practice different types of golf shots and to be ready for your next competitive event.

Playing in the Rain

It’s easy to complain about rain on the golf course. However, rainy golf courses leave you with fewer golfers to deal with, and there is something nice about sneaking in a day on the course even when the weather doesn’t look like it would allow for it.

Spinning a Shot off a Green

We’ve all seen professionals do this. They hit a wedge shot onto the green and they compressed the ball so well that it spins off the front of the green.

This can happen to amateur players as well.

Of course, you’ll complain when your golf ball lands on the green and then zip off the front.

However, you have to ask yourself if that really is a bad thing. Your contact was great; you added spin to the shot and hit one just like the pros do.

Maybe it’s not so bad after all.

Giving Strokes

Playing in a match where you have to give strokes? Yes, that may feel like an added challenge, but it also means you are the better player of the other golfers in the group. It doesn’t matter who you are, being the better player in the group is a great thing. Give those strokes proudly, and stop complaining about them!

Missing Greens Long

Coming up short may be frustrating, but even golfers who hit the ball too far and have it land behind the green often complain. Sure, hitting the shot on the golf green would be better. However, knowing that you can hit 10 or 15 yards further with your iron is a great feeling.

How many of these things do you complain about but secretly love? Anything else we missed? 

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