Last Updated on July 22, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

There are lots of golf myths and rumors flying around, and it’s time to set some of them straight. Having played professionally and been in the game for more than 30 years, here are 7 of the myths that I think every golfer should stop believing today.

Replace Your Putter Every Few Years

I have had the same putter for the last 20 years, and I don’t plan on changing it any time soon. Some technology needs to be replaced because it becomes obsolete. If you invested in a great putter at one point, it’s likely still a great addition to your bag. Go try new equipment, but don’t feel forced to change that putter out.

Physical Fitness Doesn’t Matter for Golf

I hung on to this one for a while when I was younger. When I played college golf, we had workouts to do, and I never noticed them making much of a difference in my game. Now that I’ve gotten older, I realize how much of a difference staying in top physical condition has made in my game. It’s not just strength that you benefit from but stamina and flexibility as well.

You Need Expensive Gear to Play Well

Expensive golf equipment does not mean it’s the best.

In fact, you are better off playing with equipment suited for your game than expensive equipment. The key is to find gear rather than splurge on the latest and most expensive models.

Save your money and invest in the right equipment for you.

The Longer the Drive, the Better, the Player

Golf is much easier when you can get good distance off the tee.

However, it is not true that you can only play well if you hit a long drive. Some of the best players I’ve played against struggled with distance off the tee, but they had a really strong, short game.

Even if you kill it off the tee, you still have to get the ball in the hole.

Find a driver that gives you a few more yards, but pay much more attention to a wedge that gives you better spin and control on the greens.

If Your Driver Slices, Just Use a 3-Wood

Sure, this works for a while.

However, if you are truly a golfer and want to take your game to the next level, consider learning to use your driver. The 3 wood won’t go as far, it’s not the same, and in the end, you’ll want that extra 15+ yards that you get from the driver.

A driver off the tee is NOT mandatory, but it will certainly help you have a shorter approach.

For occasional golfers who don’t care to improve or stick with the game, go ahead and hit whatever you want off the tee.

Swing Easy When Your Game Feels Off

Swinging easy or “slowing down” can throw your game off. If you think about staying balanced or having a good tempo, that’s one thing.

However, slowing down and decelerating while driving the golf ball will only lead to mistakes and issues with your ball striking. You have to be aggressive when going after the ball.

You Need to Hit the Ball Harder to Get More Distance

Hitting the ball with more speed will help it travel further. However, you also need to hit the ball in the center of the clubface. When you make contact with the center of the face, the ball travels much further.

So, in addition to working on your ball speed, make sure you are also trying to hit the ball in the center of the face. The accuracy of the strike matters when it comes to total distance.

If you were still hanging on to any of these myths, please let them go today!

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