Last Updated on March 28, 2023 by Britt Olizarowicz

Everybody knows that when you join a country club, you can play a great golf course, have access to a club swimming pool, tennis, or even pickleball. However, there are five little known benefits of joining a country club.

These benefits should help you make that final decision about whether or not you want to pull the trigger and join the club. 

Access To Other Country Clubs

Why would you be worried about access to other country clubs when you have just joined one for yourself? 

Trust me on this one. 

Working in the golf industry for so many years helped me to see that there are times when your golf course is closed or undergoing maintenance, and you are left with nowhere to play. 

For dues-paying golf members, this is a very frustrating problem. However, great golf and country clubs will have relationships with other local clubs that can get you a round of golf. 

Take advantage of these opportunities. In fact, when you go out of town, see if your country club has any connections or relationships with clubs in that area. Most clubs will have some kind of benefit they can offer their members. 

Professional Development  

We know a golf course is where business transactions can occur, but joining a country club goes much beyond simply offering you a place to take clients. 

You will meet people at the country club that could help you expand your current business or help you reach your financial goals. The networking possibilities at a club are very important. 

Meeting people on the golf course, getting to know them, and eventually turning it into a business-type relationship can really make all the difference in your life and career.

You Will Stay Younger 

Country clubs don’t usually offer this as an advertised benefit, but after all, we are talking about little-known benefits of joining a country club. If you are a member of a country club, there are always physical activities to do, and many clubs even have activities to help keep your mind younger. 

Think about a morning of playing pickleball followed by lunch with friends and a game of bridge in the afternoon. The next day you can head to the gym and follow it up with a round of 18 holes of golf. 

As you can see, these are all activities that are good for you from a physical perspective and can help to ensure that you don’t age quite as quickly as your peers. 

Now, of course, the elephant in the room here is the country club bar. I know the bar is a popular place for many to hang out, and if you throw in some hot dogs and alcoholic beverages after each round of golf, you won’t necessarily be expanding your life. 

However, the country club itself will push many retirement-age people to keep themselves in better shape and live the country club life as long as possible. 

Know Where Your Kids Are 

For younger country club members, one of the little-known benefits of joining a country club is making sure you know your children are in a safe and fun environment. When kids hit the pre-teen and teen years, they often want to get out on their own with friends. 

What better place for them to be than the club pool, a game of tennis, or out on the golf course with their friends? 

Idle time is often what causes young people to get in trouble. If they have access to facilities to stay active and enjoy time with friends, they may have an easier time getting through those difficult years. 

Your child doesn’t have to be the next Tiger Woods to enjoy hitting some golf balls at the range on a Saturday afternoon. Sometimes giving them access is all it takes to see a real love for a sport grow. 

Support When Needed 

The last little-known benefit of joining a country club is the access to help and support should you run into a bad time. The country club becomes a community, and for those seeking that in their life, the community feel can be very powerful. 

I have seen some sad things happen at country clubs through the years. 

You would be amazed at the power of the club community in these situations. People rally together to support if someone loses a family member or a child is sick. The support is not just financial; it is emotional. 

You won’t join a country club with this concept in mind, but if it should ever happen to you at some point in your life, the club members will go out of their way to let you know they care. 

So is it worth joining a country club? 

These five benefits are just the little-known benefits. If you want to see a complete list of the 

benefits of joining a country club, check out our guide. 

Related: Benefits (and Downsides) of Joining A Country Club 

In the end, you have to make a decision about the country club and whether or not it’s the place for you. There are financial factors as well as time factors that play into this. The key is to choose something you are comfortable with and then use it! 

Too many people join a club only to never use it and benefit from it. 

Final Thoughts 

Hopefully, these little-known benefits of joining a country club have helped you make a final decision about whether or not country club life is for you. Keep in mind that your individual experience will probably have dozens more benefits. I know I didn’t fully understand everything I could get out of membership until I joined. 

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