Last Updated on June 18, 2024 by Britt Olizarowicz

What if you knew that you were making mistakes that make golf more expensive? As a golf professional who grew up a public course kid, I learned how to stretch my golf budget as FAR as possible. Some of the mistakes you make may be easily fixed, but you’ll probably keep doing others even after my warnings! Here are the 10 common mistakes that make golf more expensive than it should be!

Playing at the Wrong Time of Day

The 9 am to 12 pm hours are always the most expensive tee times. Some courses offer discounts when you go out early, and almost all courses offer discounts late in the afternoon. If you don’t need to play between 9 am and 12 pm, don’t!

Also, your pace of play will almost always be better in the early morning and late afternoon.

Not Walking and Only Riding

Give walking a try. It’s a lot less expensive to walk, and you get the physical benefits of the extra steps and increased heart rate. Golfers who walk also understand that it can be great for your golf game. You have more time to focus on your shot and plan it as you walk up to the golf ball.

Not Letting Your Gloves Dry

Many amateur golfers are not aware of this. If you take your sweaty glove at the end of a round and throw it into the bottom of your golf bag, consider it done. The glove will get hard and never seem to have the same grip on it again.

Instead, hang the glove on the cart or on a Velcro strap on your golf bag. As you ride from one hole to the next, give it time to dry out a bit. At the end of the round, let it sit outside the bag until it’s dry. You’ll spend a lot less money on gloves this year.

Not Washing Your Grips

Oil from your hands (especially from sunscreen and food) will break down your grips. In addition, things like sand and dirt can get transferred to your grips. Essentially, your golf grips are dirty and need to be cleaned.

Not washing the grips is a mistake that will make it necessary for you to replace your golf grips much more often.

Extend the life of your grips by regularly cleaning them. You’ll maintain tackiness and performance.

Not Buying in Bulk

If you love golf, buy in bulk. Let’s face it: you are going to use all the gear. Things like golf balls, tees, and even golf shirts can be less expensive when you purchase them in bulk. Make a big purchase at the start of the season, or even around Black Friday, and set yourself up for a year; you can save a lot of money.

Forgetting To Reuse Golf Balls

Who said a golf ball is done after just one round of golf?

Companies are making golf balls more durable. If you are a player who can keep the ball in play, go ahead and use it for several rounds. You can save a lot of money.

Overlooking Secondhand Options

If you knew how many people purchased brand-new clubs and sold them less than a year later, it may shock you. Sometimes, a driver that comes up for sale on a platform like Facebook or even eBay has only been hit 10 times. Save yourself the money and consider pre-owned equipment.

The most important consideration is the golf shaft. The shaft has to be perfect for the club to function, so check that thoroughly before investing.

Not Considering Joining a Country Club

Sometimes, when you play a lot of golf, a country club membership can offer savings. Do the math and see if you think joining a country club could cost less in greens fees than playing public golf week in and week out.

Not all country clubs have 700,000 initiation fees; some may not even have an initiation fee.

Not Taking Advantage of Golf Leagues That May Offer Reduced Rates

Aside from the fact that they are fun, playing in a golf league can also offer reduced rates on golf. Sometimes, because the league comes to the course all at once, they get a discount because of the number of players and because the block of tee times is reserved ahead of time. If you have golf leagues in your area, consider it a good way to play some affordable golf.

Skipping the Free Lessons

Have you spent any time on YouTube looking at the content from some of the best golf instructors in the game? Whether you are slicing the ball, hitting the ball thin, or simply want to lower your scores, use the internet to help you get better. There are blogs with valuable information from professionals and YouTube channels that make searching for solutions incredibly easy.

Final Thoughts

Don’t make golf more expensive than it needs to be. The game is so fun and enjoyable, but if you want to play all the time, you have to figure out how to do it affordably.

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